The School requires all tuition and fees to be paid in a timely manner according to the contract schedule. Students with past due tuition or any fees due will not receive report cards. They are not allowed to enroll in the next academic year until balance with all fees is brought current. The School also has the right to seek outside means of collection for past due fees. Students will not be permitted to continue in class if tuition obligations are not being met. Any questions must be referred to the Business Office or the Head of School. In the event that the School is brought into litigation that involves matters which do not specifically pertain to the School (e.g., custody), the individual who requests involvement/information from the School agrees to pay all costs incurred by the School.
No other payment agreements will be accepted. Once the selected payment plan is entered into the system, it cannot be changed, and terms of the selected payment plan will apply.
Returned Item Fee: $50 (if an electronic payment or check is rejected by the receiving bank). The payment must be made in full within 5 business days of notification.
Late Fee: $50 will be assessed to all accounts that become past due.
Statements will be sent via email. Please contact the Business office to discuss any discrepancies. If you have not received a statement by the 7th of the month, please check your spam and/or contact the Business Office to obtain another copy of the statement.
In the unfortunate event of a school closing due to pandemic, emergency, or act of God, the School may continue to operate on a distance-learning basis. In an unlikely event that the School will need to remain closed, the School may extend the school year up to and including June 30. This extension may also include weekend classes.