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Voice Recognition

Tuition & Affordability

Here at Wayne Country Day School we strive to provide a world class education to our students. We understand that type of education requires a tremendous commitment of time, talent, and resources from our families.  We are committed to making our school accessible to all families. We look forward to discussing financial aid, payment plans, or whatever questions you may have. Our goal is to make a WCDS education affordable for all those who seek it by keeping our tuition as low as possible through prudent management of our finances and our financial aid process. Currently, about 20% of our students receive some type of aid.

Our students go on to some of the most competitive colleges and universities in the world. They are exceedingly well prepared to not only graduate on time but thrive in whatever post-secondary environment they choose. In our Lower and Middle Schools, our students consistently perform well above grade level in math, reading, and social studies. In our school, students master the skills that make them successful both in college and beyond. In short, tuition dollars are an investment in your child’s future.

2024 - 2025 Tuition and Fee Schedule


Tuition & Fees

3K, 4K, PreK




Grades 1-5


Grades 6-12


Additional that may be incurred during the school year:

  • New Student Enrollment Fee: $400 per student

  • Late Re-Enrollment Fee: $400 per student if not submitted by April 15th

  • Year Round Fee: $4,000 per student (for grades 3K-3rd ONLY)

  • Tuition Insurance: 1.4% of tuition

  • Athletic Fee: $125 per participating student (for students in the 6th – 12th grades)

  • Before/After School Care $12 /hour

  • Learning Center $55/hour

  • Other Testing Fees (i.e., PSAT, AP exam, SAT prep, etc.)

  • Other Activities Fees (i.e., clubs, field trips, etc.)

  • Graduation Fee: $500 (students in the 12th grade only)


Enrollment Contract:  An enrollment contract must be completed for each student.  This contract enables parents to select a tuition payment plan (i.e., annual, semester, monthly) and guarantees the method of payment.  

Families are responsible for the full tuition and fees unless a family presents military orders or an employer’s statement that requires the family to relocate more than 75 miles away. 

If a student enrolls after the start of the school year, the tuition in the chart above will be prorated based on the student’s enrollment date. 

Enrollment and Re-Enrollment Deposit: non-refundable deposit of $1,000 for each student is required to hold a student’s place in his/her class. A student is considered enrolled only after this deposit is paid. The deposit is applied to the tuition on July 1st.

Withdrawal Options: (Please note all withdrawal requests must be made in writing and sent to the Admissions and Business Office):

  • $1,000/student enrollment deposit is non-refundable

  • If the student is withdrawn prior to June 1st, the family will be released from the remainder of the contract

  • If the student is withdrawn between to June 1st – August 1st, the family must pay 50% of total contract and will be released from the remaining of the contract

  • If the student is withdrawn any time after August 1st, the family must pay 100% of the total contract

Records and transcripts will not be released unless the family is current with payments on their account for all children (currently enrolled or enrolled in the past).

Sibling Discounts

2024-2025 Sibling Discount:
  • $1,000 off for 2nd student

  • 20% discount for the 3rd and each additional sibling.  This discount is applied to the youngest student’s tuition

Tuition & Fee Payment Policy

The School requires all tuition and fees to be paid in a timely manner according to the contract schedule.  Students with past due tuition or any fees due will not receive report cards. They are not allowed to enroll in the next academic year until balance with all fees is brought current.  The School also has the right to seek outside means of collection for past due fees.  Students will not be permitted to continue in class if tuition obligations are not being met.  Any questions must be referred to the Business Office or the Head of School. In the event that the School is brought into litigation that involves matters which do not specifically pertain to the School (e.g., custody), the individual who requests involvement/information from the School agrees to pay all costs incurred by the School.

No other payment agreements will be accepted. Once the selected payment plan is entered into the system, it cannot be changed, and terms of the selected payment plan will apply.

Returned Item Fee: $50 (if an electronic payment or check is rejected by the receiving bank). The payment must be made in full within 5 business days of notification.

Late Fee: $50 will be assessed to all accounts that become past due.

Statements will be sent via email. Please contact the Business office to discuss any discrepancies. If you have not received a statement by the 7th of the month, please check your spam and/or contact the Business Office to obtain another copy of the statement.

In the unfortunate event of a school closing due to pandemic, emergency, or act of God, the School may continue to operate on a distance-learning basis.  In an unlikely event that the School will need to remain closed, the School may extend the school year up to and including June 30.  This extension may also include weekend classes.